Tips on How to Maintain Health During Student Years

For many, student years are the happiest because this is a combination of youth, novelty, and impressions. It is during this period that the first adult life difficulties, first love, first disappointment fall. Exams and tests are replaced by collective trips to the cinema and camping and lectures by walking under the moon. The students do not have enough time to think about their health.

Health problems arise from misallocation of time, and the most common problems are nervous disorders, chronic fatigue, gastritis, or ulcers. The reason for their appearance is constant stress, overload, lack of sleep, and malnutrition. How to stay healthy in your student years? Below we have prepared the best tips.

Sleep At least Seven Hours

Sleep deprivation due to workload, postponing essential tasks until the last moment, and sometimes because of the love of entertainment – all this leads to the fact that the number of hours of sleep decreases. Studies have shown that chronic lack of sleep negatively affects memory and concentration, irritability, drowsiness, fatigue, sometimes even obesity, and many other health problems. What should students do? Sleep 7-8 hours every day.

Take Care of Your Food Diet

Gastritis is called a disease of students for a good reason. By the end of their studies, almost everyone experiences stomach pains, and this is just the smallest digestive problem that can develop from poor nutrition. Sometimes gallstones, pancreatitis, or stomach ulcers occur. In addition, it is not always possible to wash your hands before you eat a sandwich on the run, and severe infections can enter your intestines.

A drop in blood sugar lowers performance, causes headaches, especially in those who usually suffer from it, fatigue, dizziness, and blurred vision. Insufficient supply of sugar to the brain impairs memory and concentration, and a person assimilates the studied material worse. On the other hand, prolonged abstinence from food leads to the fact that the student pounces on food and overeats, which usually leads to the development of obesity.

Therefore, we recommend that you adhere to these rules:

  • Plan your meals the same way you plan your learning activities. There are two options – take food from home with you or find a cafe with a standard range of products on the territory of the educational institution. In the first case, you can control the composition of your food. In the second case, you will have to choose from what is in the assortment of the cafe.
  • Eat food that adds energy and does not harm your health. Here are the options: whole grain bread sandwiches with avocado, cottage cheese, tahini, a slice of salmon, ham, hard cheese, tuna, plus vegetables that you can eat without restrictions. You can also bring ready-made food with you from home and heat it in the microwave. These can be rice, legumes, quinoa, pasta with vegetables, or meat.
  • Take food every few hours so as not to starve your body. Even if you do not feel hungry due to being busy during the day, the body suffers.

Take Care Of Your Drinking Regimen

Feeling unwell, fatigue, headaches, and fatigue are all we associate with poor environmental conditions or stress in college. We start taking medications, seizing stress with sweets or even less wholesome food. But you just had to drink a glass of water. Therefore, you need to follow the correct drinking regimen.

One of the most common misconceptions is that the drinking regimen is equated with drinking liquids in general, including all drinks that have entered our bodies. It is important to remember that juices, fruit drinks, soda, milk, coffee, tea cannot replace water. Our body perceives them as food and spends maximum effort to extract water from them. To function correctly, you need a certain amount of pure water.

An adult needs about 30 ml of water per day per kilogram of body weight. For a person weighing 50 kg, you need 1,5 liters, 60 kg – 1,8 liters, 70 kg – 2,1 liters, 80 kg – 2,4 liters of water every day.

Get Expert Help To Avoid Stress And Unslept Nights

From the first days of training, information falls on students with an avalanche. You have to prepare for classes at night, which leads to a chronic lack of sleep. Exams, research, lab work shakes the psyche and increases stressful situations. Studybay experts argue that many students develop neurosis, which negatively affects academic performance and attitudes towards each other and leads to chronic stress, which has a very negative effect on health. Also, two problems can arise isolation or aggressiveness. Instead of sitting all night for lessons, use online help with math, chemistry, biology, or literature. By outsourcing your writing assignments to professional writers, you can set aside time for more critical tasks or preparation for exams.

Take Care Of Physical Activity

Students sit for most of the day. Lectures, seminars, library, computer work, and home preparation for tomorrow are held without movement, and even in closed rooms. As a result, students face the following problems:

  • Violation of blood circulation in the limbs.
  • Oxygen starvation of essential organs, including the brain.
  • Rachiocampsis.

To avoid such problems, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • In between lectures, try to be active – never stay at your desk during a break.
  • Monitor your posture constantly. A straight back is not only beauty but also the normal functioning of the lungs and blood circulation.
  • When you work a lot at the computer or read, take short breaks every 40 minutes. Take care of your eyes.
  • Don’t forget about the fresh air. You can read and study in the park. Any bench on the street is suitable for this. Also, ventilate your room as often as possible.
  • Go in for sports. The idea that it takes a lot of money is just an excuse. Today, most major universities and colleges provide their students with gyms and sections. If there are none, it is enough to do the most straightforward exercises at home. And dancing to your favorite music is beneficial not only for the body but also for the soul.

Forget Alcohol And Cigarettes

Statistics say that by the end of their studies, 25% of students smoke, although, in the first year, this figure is 2,5 times less. The situation with alcohol is a little different. According to some data, up to 70% of students drink alcohol. Unfortunately, some students use drugs.

What for? For some, it is a way to relax; for others, it is fashionable; for others, it is curiosity. In most cases, the decision to try a forbidden substance is influenced by the environment. One single time can lead to serious addiction. Think about the consequences! In 20 years, you will become a heavy smoker or alcoholic.

Do you need to relax? Go in for sports. If you think that smoking and drinking are cool, then you are very much mistaken. Remember, living a healthy lifestyle is much better. Another danger posed by alcohol and drugs is a decrease in self-control and excessive emancipation. Remember about condoms – unprotected intimacy can cause sexually transmitted diseases, including AIDS.

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from Health – Market Business News

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