11 Proven Mobile App Marketing Strategies to Get More Downloads

It’s no secret that the mobile app industry is a competitive market. There are nearly 5 million mobile apps on Google Play Store and Apple’s App Store. In such a scenario, it’s safe to say that getting the desired exposure for your new mobile app will not be an easy task. Fortunately, there’s a way to tackle this fierce competition and increase the number of downloads for your app.

Like any other new product, you’ll need the right marketing strategies to promote your brand new mobile app and encourage people to download it. In this guide, we have put together a list of the best marketing tactics, recommended by top Indian app developers, that’ll help you reach your potential customers, irrespective of the platform.

So, without any further ado, let’s get started

Why is Marketing Crucial for Your Mobile App?

Before proceeding further, let’s first understand the importance of a proper marketing campaign for your mobile app. As we mentioned earlier, there are millions of mobile apps in the market. However, only a few of these apps manage to garner significant success; whereas the remaining never see the top charts. Do you know what separates a successful app from the remaining clutter?

The answer is marketing! Of course, you need compelling features, great functionality, and a visually appealing UI to build a successful app. But, none of these factors will matter if you fail to market your app properly. A poor marketing plan can easily damage your app’s growth; regardless of its size and features.

So, if you want your mobile app to rank in the top charts and get thousands of downloads, make sure to develop a well-researched marketing campaign. Here are a few tips that’ll help you design the perfect marketing plan to attract your target customers.

  1. Design a Landing Page

Designing a landing page is a crucial app marketing strategy that can help you attract your potential viewers in the beginning. Why? Because you have the power to optimize the landing page using SEO and attract organic traffic from Google SERP.

Another potential benefit of designing a landing page is that it’ll help you create a strong first impression in front of the users. You can use the landing page to talk about your app’s features, upload its screenshots, and add a quick trailer to showcase your mobile app to new users.

Next, you can leave links to the App Store/Google Play Store so that the visitors can easily download the app on their smartphones. Keep in mind that your landing page should be visually appealing and contain all the useful information that’ll help the visitors understand the USPs of your app.

  1. Use Social Media

Social media can be the most effective marketing tool for any app marketer, and the best part is – it’s free. According to Statista, people spend almost 25 hours on different social media platforms every day. This means if you publish the right type of content on your social media handles, you can easily engage potential customers and encourage them to download your app.

Now, when it comes to posting content on any social media handle, it’ll be crucial to understand how it’ll interact with the users. Take a look at competitor’s social media handles and see what types of posts bring the highest engagement. Then, brainstorm ideas and figure out how you can replicate the same results.

Ideally, apart from posts dedicated to your app’s promotion, you should also publish content that talks about the latest trends in the industry. This will help you establish a strong brand identity and you’ll notice a sudden spike in the engagement rate.

  1. Get More Reviews

If your app already has a few downloads on the App Store, you can ask the existing customers to write a review. This will help the new users understand how your app performs and whether they should download it or not.

Reviews will also help the new customers make decisions more quickly. For instance, if your mobile app has positive reviews on the App Store, people will most likely download it.

In addition to this, you can also reach out to professional reviewers and ask them to publish your app’s review on their platforms. This is a great technique to spread the word and get more exposure for a new smartphone app.

Note: Once your app starts getting reviews, make sure to reply to each one of them, even if it’s negative feedback. This will showcase that you value the customer’s feedback and haven’t launched the app just to make money.


  1. Perform App Store Optimization (ASO)

App Store Optimization (ASO) is the practice of optimizing a mobile app to improve its rankings in the App Store. To put it in simple words, ASO works the same way for a mobile app as SEO works for a website. It’ll improve your app’s search visibility, which means it’ll rank in the top charts of Google Play Store or App Store.

It’s worth noting that performing ASO has many benefits for a mobile app. First of all, ASO is a free marketing strategy. Unlike ad campaigns, you won’t have to spend thousands of dollars to optimize your app for the App Store. Secondly, all the ASO techniques are quite easier to implement.

All you need to do is find the right keywords, include them in the app’s description, and add pictures & videos of the app. This will automatically improve your app’s rankings and you’ll witness a sudden increase in the number of downloads.

So, as soon as the mobile app development company in India (that you’ve hired) has delivered the app, make sure to start with ASO straight away.

  1. Start a Paid Marketing Campaign

If you are struggling to get the desired exposure organically, you can also build a paid marketing campaign to attract customers by running paid ads on different platforms. Apart from the traditional Google ads, you can also set up ads on the dedicated app store and optimize them using the right search queries.

If you’ve designed the paid marketing campaign using the right keywords, it’ll become much easier to reach a wider audience and get more app downloads. However, keep in mind that a poorly designed paid ad campaign can also cost you a lot of money.

So, if you don’t have the essential expertise, make sure to hire professional PPC experts and let them design a paid marketing campaign for your mobile app.

  1. Use Influencer Marketing

In 2021, influencer marketing has become an effective way to promote a new product. And, as opposed to what you may have heard, influencer marketing is cost-effective. Even if you don’t have the budget to afford A-list celebrities, you can reach out to micro-influencers and use their platform to promote your mobile app.

For people who don’t know, micro-influencers are the people who have a massive social media following but don’t charge hefty amounts like A-list celebrities. Working with these influencers will help you reach your target audience more effectively.

Unlike big celebrities, the micro-influencers don’t have a diverse social media following and only a specific group of people follow them. This is the reason why their post-engagement rates are higher than some of the big celebrities.

So, all you have to do is find a micro-influencer whose social media following includes your target audience and use their platform to spread the word about your app.

  1. Publish Guest Posts on Reputed Platforms

Another effective way to promote a new mobile app is to publish guest posts on different platforms. Ideally, guest blogging is an SEO technique that’s used to strengthen the backlink profile of a website.

However, you can also write guest posts to talk about your app and its features in front of a wider audience. Thousands of platforms accept guest posts and already have massive website traffic. You can find these websites and reach out with your proposal.

Once approved, you’ll have to write high-quality and informative content that can easily engage the readers. In the end, you can also add your app’s download link to help users instantly download it on their device.

  1. Write a Press Release

Like guest posts, you can also publish regular press releases to spread brand awareness. In addition to writing about the app’s features, you can also talk about your brand’s USPs and how you envision the future of the app.

Also, if you make any changes or add new features to the app, the press release will be the most efficient tool to share them with potential customers. But, keep in mind that press releases follow a brief format. This means you’ll have to focus on delivering the desired news without exceeding the word limit.

  1. Use Email Marketing

Email marketing is a popular tactic that many marketers use to promote their products/services. But, this strategy will only work when you already have the email list of your potential users. For instance, if people have subscribed to your website’s newsletter, you can use the same data to promote your mobile app as well.

With email marketing, you can share your app’s new features and also offer special discounts to the customers. You can share the news about different contests and announce the winners via emails.

This will help you interact with the customers more efficiently. Not to mention, when you’ll host regular contests and offer exclusive discounts, customers will come back to your mobile app again and again. This will eventually result in an increased customer retention rate and higher revenue.

  1. Publish Videos on YouTube

If you already have a YouTube channel with enough subscribers, it can act as the biggest marketing tool for your mobile app. Back in 2015, when Casey Neistat was about to release Beem, a social media app, he used his YouTube channel to talk about the app in every video. This created enough initial hype and the app witnessed millions of downloads on both Google Play Store and Apple’s App Store.

You can also use the same technique to promote your app on your YouTube channel. Apart from releasing regular promotional episodes, make sure to create a dedicated trailer for your app and release it on YouTube just before the final launch of the app.

  1. Hire a Dedicated Marketing Agency

Like a professional mobile app development company in India, you can also find dedicated marketing firms that’ll handle the entire marketing campaign for your mobile app. These agencies have experienced digital marketers who have expertise in building fully optimized marketing campaigns for different businesses. Based on your brand’s final objectives and the target audience, these marketing experts will design a suitable marketing plan accordingly.

Final Words

Mobile app marketing is an imperative part of the entire app development India process. Despite the exceptional functionality and the user interface of your app, if you don’t utilize the right marketing strategies, it’ll become a part of the clutter. To avoid this scenario, implement the above marketing tactics or hire a team of professional marketers to successfully promote your app and make it reach the right audience.

Author Bio:

Ranjit Singh is the founder & Director of RV Technologies and has been an avid technical blog writer too. His passion for business and writing informative articles on mobile app development is commendable. With years of experience in the IT industry, he has been able to bring up the best marketing solutions through app development that guides you at each and every step.

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