How to Choose Web Hosting For Startup Companies

When it comes to choosing the web host for Startup Companies, remember that your web hosting provider is just like your business partner. Their performance and services could have a direct effect on your business. Here is a list of tips to help you choose a great web host.

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Reliability and Uptime

A hosting services that has an uptime problem could be the kiss of death for your website’s current and future prospects. Consumers today expect to have instant access to your webpages and products or services all the time. If you cannot provide that, be sure that most of your competitors will.

Nobody has an uptime history of 100%. However, the top ones can guarantee that your site will not be down for 99.5% of the time.

Before commiting yourself, ask them what contingency plans they have in case there is, for example, a power outage. Do they have backup generators or UPS?

Customer Support

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In today’s fiercely competitive marketplace, consumers, businesses, and other organizations expect excellent customer support. It should be available 24×7, seven days a week, for 52 weeks of the year.

Put simply; you should be able to get in touch with them whenever you like. They should offer email, telephone, or on site communication options. There is nothing worse than suddenly having a problem and not being able to get in touch with your supplier.

Data Backup

Go for a company that provides data backup. This way, when the unexpected happens, they can restore everything. Find out how often they will do a backup. Also, you should always record website files on your hard drive in the event of a meteor strike. The more you work in the cloud, the lower the risk of losing vital files and data.

Know where your server is based

Many companies have services in other countries. Locally-based servers are best for you if you are targeting consumers or businesses in your region, area, or town. Make sure their support team is located in your time zone.

Telecommunications has turned our planet into a global village, which is great. However, using domestic providers may be a better option in some cases. As more online businesses today offer 24×7 customer support in multiple languages, however, this is slowly becoming less of an issue.

Flexibility & scalability

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If your business is a startup, make sure that your hosting company allows for upgrades. As your company grows, so should all other components of the business.

In future, you may need more disk space, email accounts, plugins, and some other services that professional hosting companies provide. Your initial shared hosting plan, for example, will probably change to one with a dedicated server within a year or two. In the world of expanding startups, scalability is crucial.

Disk space and data transfer

When choosing a plan, consider disk space as well as data transfer (traffic/bandwidth). As you expand, so will your need for additional disk space so that you can store more data and implement sophisticated technology.

Ask them whether they send warning emails when you reach critical limits so that you don’t get surprised with additional fees.

Easy to use/control panel site management tools

Decide on a host that lets you handle the different parts of your website and email accounts yourself, remotely. They should be able to provide a simple web-based control panel. Ask for a demo of the control panels, which will let you know whether it is the right one. If it is not user friendly, walk away.

Bandwidth and storage allowances

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As your website has more data, webpages, files, and visitor traffic, it will require additional space and other server resources. Find out whether your prospective provider can handle a rapidly expanding startup’s growing needs.

Nothing is worse for business prospects than a website that is bursting at the seams and slowing down or even crashing.

Script support

Script support is a crucial feature of any professional website hosting company. You may wish, for example, to run Scuttle. Some firms offer natural script support assist packages which make the installation of Scuttle a breeze. Others limit the amount of MySQL repository that may be engineered, which could seriously undermine you ability to run Scuttle properly.


So remember, when you are out there looking for the Best Web Hosting service, price is only one of many factors you need to check out carefully. If you select one just because it is the cheapest, you may eventually regret it.

There are cheap web hosting providers out there that are also top quality, professional operations that can meet all your current and future needs. Good luck in your search!

Interesting related article:  “What is a Server?

from Business – Market Business News

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