Building a Better Brand with Logo Swag

If your company interfaces with customers regularly, and has a desire for lead generation, or holds various corporate events, you should consider giving away free branded gifts (SWAG), as a part of your overall marketing and customer experience strategy.


Free corporate gifts that have the company logo, can provide you with many benefits as you strive to: cultivate customer or stakeholder loyalty, show your customers that you appreciate them, convey the personality of your brand, and most importantly, build brand equity.

Brand equity is a critical component of marketing and operations. It is the value gained by consumer recognition of your company’s brand. Brand equity is part of the recognition and impression share that companies who sell similar products compete for, which means that your company will always want to have higher brand equity than your competitors.

This concept also can have an impact on the number of sales, commissions, and profit margins within a company; which is why brand building should be a principal strategic goal.

One of the most appreciated and effective ways to increase brand equity is through the use of free corporate gifts. This approach allows the company to be creative with their engagement strategy, with the added bonus of being well received, because everyone loves a free gift.

Let’s review a few of the most popular corporate gift items that your company can give as a part of a swag bag, or as a stand-alone gift.

The Pen

The pen is considered to be a timeless crowd-pleaser among free corporate gifts. A pen is a useful, practical gift that everyone appreciates. Your company will get brand equity bonus points if you choose a high-quality pen to be given to your prospective and current customers.

When weighing your options, a popular style like the ballpoint, or fountain pen, that soothingly glides across the paper, should be considered. This pen choice can infer to the customer, that your company is committed to quality. A five-star pen, adorned with your company’s branding, has the ability to help build name recognition because people will appreciate the care that went into selecting such a nice gift.

Visa Gift Cards

Less conventional, but very effective for building brand equity, Visa gift cards, as a free gift, is sure to get the attention of your target audience, because everyone loves to receive money which they can spend at their favorite stores. For this gift, it will be essential to include your company’s logo on the gift card, artfully, and colorfully, so that your recipients remember who provided them with this generous present.

Your company’s marketing team, working in tandem with a retailer that provides customizable e-gift cards, can design the company’s logo to perfectly fit, graphically adorn, and be easily uploaded onto the face of the card. Your company would also be able to purchase these customizable gift cards in bulk, which is convenient for a busy marketing department. Also, these cards are made available by a variety of highly desirable, major retailers, where vast numbers of savvy consumers shop.

This type of gift is a particularly great idea for a trade show, or similar marketing event, where potential customers, or leads, are being prospected.

Tote Bags

With so many people going plastic-free, the use of tote bags is becoming the necessary, new normal, and favorable shopping accessory for the average consumer. Trendy and functional, these bags are being used to carry groceries, work-out gear, techie equipment, shopping hauls, and even your lunch.

Since these bags are everywhere now, and people use them in public, this type of gift is a great method for acquiring some free advertising, and brand recognition out there, and visible. Offering a gift that meets a consumer’s need, is sustainable, and has the functionality, helps you to gain a positive perception of the public.  It demonstrates that your company cares about the consumer and the environment, thus helping to greatly increase brand equity.

Tote bags are also a useful way of providing materials like product listings, company information, QR codes linking to social media, or branded merchandise to be presented to prospective customers or leads, at various corporate events. This can help your company stand out among a sea of competitors, while also providing them with a handy gift, which they can use throughout the day.

Additionally, tote bags, are a wise choice, because of their size. They provide a large canvas to work with, which gives your company’s graphic designer, and/or marketing department, a platform from which to spotlight the brand, in a high visibility venue. There is adequate room to explore creative branding ideas that tie into any current campaigns, and initiatives.

Tote bags are an ideal gift because they are in demand, a movable showcase for your brand, long-lasting, and highly functional. The added benefit of allowing an opportunity to be imaginative, and unique in the design, greatly assists with building highly relatable, brand name recognition.

Providing a Visa gift card in your swag bag, using a branded tote bag like described above, can give your company an edge over the competition, and a higher share of the brand equity. Your company can also utilize this gift idea as a way to say “thank you” to recent customers. Coupled with a handwritten note, your customers will be impressed with the attention they have received and will remember the products, and the brand, allowing your company to rise above any competitors.

Interesting Related Article: “A Guide To Have The Best Logo For A Business

from Business – Market Business News

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